Something to be changed

As I am based in Switzerland and I enjoy having the pleasure to be a guest here I was a first hand follower of the Credit Suisse exodus last week.
During the last couple days more and more information gets to the public how CS has been managed over the last decades. And to what extend the people in charge have disconnected themselves from the rules of society. Even better – society and its representative bodies (politics, banking control, stock regulators) have accepted how CS broke one rule after the other and watched the company dying, the payment of unethical bonus and the loss of real money for parties invested. All these people that have stolen money, broken laws are still free and make comments that they have done their best – some admit that they are sorry.
This has to change. There are rules and laws for everybody. They need to be applied for everybody the same way. I cant accept that an entire bank with all its leaders is getting away with this like that. It is not acceptable that all control bodies and its related people are getting away with this. Some hundreds are protesting publicly but it should be millions – not only in Switzerland but all around the world. Authorities have to step up and change this now. And if they do not then they should be not elected anymore and being removed from their positions. They have to make the controls real, turn every stone to get this bad bad leadership out of this world. Voice your opinion.