The power of moving forward & going slow

For a long time I had a mantra with a headline that goes “Cant stop me”. That was in the job, in sports, in learning, in anything I did. And listening to David Goggins these days it goes “Cant hurt me” which ultimately means that you never give up and nothing can actually stop or hurt you.
During my recent years I came up with an updated version which says the same thing but in a different – more positive – way: Move forward.
When you move forward you are active, you are focused, you are powerful and you are relaxed as you know where to go. Sure, being “unbreakable” and never stop sounds much more martial and warrior-like. It fits much better into the actual social media world where you have to proof every day that you are not stopping and that you are not hurt by anything and anybody.
But isn’t the entire life moving forward? Life happens right now and it invites you to join. Every day, every breath, every blink. And life never turns around and goes back – winding back the time. And life never talks about stopping (well, at some point naturally…) – it even continues once we are gone.
And there is another side to it – you can determine the speed you are moving forward. There are times you can go super fast and make miles and miles and life is just a circular of joy. And then there are times you have to move super slow as things are not falling into place and you have to be patient.
And you dont need to worry that you fail. “Cant stop me” implies that it is either moving or stopping. And if you stop you fail.
In reality the opposite is true – when you go slow and just go with the flow you will see that some surprising things are happening just by itself. They come together, they find each other BECAUSE you are slow – if you would not go slow they could not find you.
So, dont put yourself under pressure – just move forward and adjust your speed. I am not saying you shouldn’t be ambitious – I am saying you should be conscious and awake that you move. Try it.