Update – Mindfulness

The other day I wrote a blog about what mindfulness is for me and provided my definition. Just a recap:

Thankful – have gratitude what daily life is providing you
Trustful – have faith that your heart keeps pounding, your breath keeps going and healthy air is around you. The simple things are there for you – no matter your mental stage
Accepting – be aware that certain things are what they are and they will be like this all the time. Embrace them
Not knowing – recognise that you do not know everything. Period.
Not thriving – think about…you have already achieved so much and you are already there
Not judging – have an opinion and let everybody have their thoughts and directions
Patience – be calm as things are coming together – one or the other way

Every time I am going thru this mantra, I recognise that I do not like the negative expression of “not knowing”, “not thriving” and “not judging”. There is a “not” in the words and I always stumble, as it describes something you shouldn’t do instead of something you should do. So, this morning I locked finally new expressions, that are positively phrased (at least for me). I can deal with them much better:

Curious instead of not knowing
Satisfied instead of not thriving
Open minded instead of not judging

Just a small mind trick for me which leads to a much more positive perspective going thru this mantra. In full it looks like this now

Thankful – have gratitude what daily life is providing you
Trustful – have faith that your heart keeps pounding, your breath keeps going and healthy air is around you. The simple things are there for you – no matter your mental stage
Accepting – be aware that certain things are what they are and they will be like this all the time. Embrace them
Curious – recognise that you do not know everything. Period.
Satisfied – think about…you have already achieved so much and you are already there
Open minded – have an opinion and let everybody have their thoughts and directions
Patience – be calm as things are coming together – one or the other way