Exploring a new place

In a couple of days I will travel to Girona, finishing my training for the race I do in Mallorca end of April. I never had been in Girona. Lots of times in Spain, many times in Barcelona, which is just around the corner, but never in Girona. Exploring new places is a mix of many positive things.

Getting to know the energy and dynamics around this area.
Getting to know the history and why the place is what it is today.
Experiencing the food and the social life.
Meeting new people – connecting with some and with others not.
Sharing opinions and getting feedback from foreigners – always interesting.
And for sure, inhaling the nature and the climate around there.

Nothing Girona-specific, just some of the things I like, when I get to new places. And after you had been there, you know if this place suits you. Or not.
Traveling can bring so much positivity in your life, when you approach it with the right attitude. It enriches your life and let you live up to your potentials. As you are learning things you would never learn, when you would not travel. Get out there and be curious.