Finding your best job…

These days I had the chance to speak with different people, who are all looking for the right job and are trying to make a decision about their next steps.
All at very different points in their life: two young start-up founders, 2 mid-40ty managers with family and kids and an end-50ty guy with 4 kids. The thing they have in common, is that they are eager to start a new business chapter in their life. The start-up guys as there first big adventure, the mid-40ty managers to make the final career step and the end-50ty guy to keep getting the money in to pay-off the cost of his life. So, quit different crossings and motivations.
During our discussions I recognised, that all of them could explain why the next job is important for them: Status, money, doing something meaningful, being able to continue the life they live – financially and so on. But still, for me something was missing – What does this next job need to have to make you thrive? To make you exited?

I was looking for passion – a strong liking or desire for a devotion to some activity, object or concept.

A real “I want to do this because I love the experience doing blablabla”. And this goes way beyond status, money and ego. It brings joy in your life and you have the ability to make this joy your best job. You will become good in it, because you are willing to invest into it – as you have fun doing so. And you will look for people with a similar passion, so you can team up. And become even better. And if you are lucky enough, somebody will pay you good money for it. Or you build your own business around this passion.
Passion is the key to any happy job. It is the key to any excellence in work. It is a key to live a happy life, as we all spend long hours working. So you better do something joyful during this time.
In my past career I neglected this too many times. I did jobs just for the money and the status. Whenever I had an assignment with passion – bam! I had a really good ride with my teams.
Make your passion your guiding principle and when you start to ignore it – find a way to bring it up again. It will pay back big time.
Oh, by the way…status and money will just come in by itself when you follow your passion. At any stage of your life.