7 months of training – done

Here it is…the final stretch to my endurance race next Saturday. Yesterday, I finished my last harder session here in Girona and it went good. I selected the climb to Rocacorba as this final session – 13,5km, 7% Grade, 900 m altitude – and 70km around it.
I did what I wanted to do and I accomplished already so much during the last 7 months. The race is just the tip of it – no matter what happens during race day. The training changed me physically but also mentally a lot. I see efforts differently and I regained the confidence that consistency trumps everything.
Looking forward to an easy, so called “tapering week”, with much less effort but still some impulses. That should shed all the fatigue I feel right now, and get me into a rested and ready mode. If possible a peaking mode. Moving forward.