Plan 75

With „Plan 75“ we introduce a solution for the problem of the elder generation.
In basically all countries around the world, we see the problem that elder people live longer than planned and they are no longer contributing to the society. They live and use resources that should be provided to more productive parts of the society – fitter people and younger people.
As a result we introduce a plan from the age of 75, that allows the people to commit suicide and they get a bonus paid by the government. They will be treated luxurious during their last three months of living, they will receive a beautiful picture from them for their families and they will receive a pill, that will make their dying painless and sweet.
This will ultimately solve all generational problems present at the moment for now and forever.

If you are interested in an utopia like this watch a new Japanese movie called Plan75. Describing how this looks like. Having lived in Japan, it is no surprise this movie is coming from this culture. In 2016 a “killer” shot 19 elder people because they where just living without any value left for the world. So he thought, it is better for them and the society to be dead. In 2013 the Japanese finance minister asked the elder people to hurry up dying, as the government is running out of money to support them.
No surprise that I decided not to live for long in this country.