Your Choice

During my life, I often had the feeling, that I am the victim of things that are happening to me or around me. Situations in your job, discussions with your friends or developments with your partner – for me, it was something that took place with me and not because of me.

And for a long time, I was making “these happenings” responsible for my state of living, state of satisfaction or state of wellbeing. 

So, whenever something happened, I dealt with it. In the sense, that I “had to” deal with it. It came into my life, took a place in my life and had to be managed.

Today, I am looking at things that are happening in my life, in a different way. They are not happening to me any longer. They knock at my door of life, and I have the total choice to decide what to do with them. It is my sole decision, if I want to deal with them – or not. It is up to me, to define the criteria for these decisions. There is nobody around me, who is defining them for me. It is only me. This allows you to define your destiny and be in control. If there is something, that you don’t like or want – don’t do it. If you are not sure – explore it and decide then. If you want to have it in your life – let it in. It is ultimately your choice. It is you, who is responsible for your choice. Nobody else. Be aware about this and live this freedom of choice every day. For me, it is one of the key openers to live a positive and confident life. As you are the master of the choice.

It is the full permission to be who you are.