
This is a nostalgic post. I am born 1968 – so when Boris Becker won his first Wimbledon title, I was 18. In the coming years I was fully infected by the Tennis virus and I followed Boris Becker on his journey to victories and fame. Yes, it was super special, as there had not been any famous tennis player from Germany. Consequently, he was always present in the media and became a German super star.
I think many of you know his story…after his successful career he married, then got divorced, then remarried, then split up, had 5 children, got insolvent, became a prominent tennis commentator and constantly complaint that he can’t be in Germany given his fame.
Yesterday, I watched the first part of his documentary “Boom, Boom – the world vs Boris Becker” (who would choose such a title?). The first part is about his rising and his Triumphes in tennis. So, I remembered all these matches that I was watching and feeling good about all these successes and joy he brought into my life.
Then there was a statement, that stroke me: What are the three top topics, the German Bild publication makes the highest editions? One: Adolf Hitler. Two: Reunion (of Germany). Three: Boris Becker.
Well, put your name instead of Boris’ name and think about this again…your name side to side with one of the biggest criminal in the world and an event that re-unites millions. Some might feel humble and thoughtful, other might just think that they are actually really something better.
And when you look at the sad development of Boris Beckers life, ending in jail for 15 months, and watching all these short sighted statements from him about life, you can see, that he really believes being something different who needs to be treated differently as well. And has some special rules. Simply because his life was special.
But the world isn’t working this way and unfortunately Boris Becker has chosen this way of living – so most likely he will continue to suffer and run into challenges going forward.
Fame is a very special species that gets into people and often makes quite strange developments happen. Comparing Boris Becker and Roger Federer can’t be a bigger difference what fame can do.

So I switched of the episode and I am not very keen to see the second part which is called “Disaster” and in the trailer you see a broken Boris Becker crying and stumbling hollow phrases…might make me even more nostalgic…