The characteristics of a great political party

My political involvement and interest over the years had been highly volatile and mainly focused on my personal benefits.
At the very beginning, I was influenced by my parents and the climate in which I was raised. You would call this “gut bürgerlich” – a liberal-conservative believe system. During my school days, I had the luck to have teachers who were allowing us to express our opinion and have vibrant discussions in all kind of directions. That allowed me to look into other parties on the plate – socialists, green parties, right wing conservatives…When my own family started to grow and develop, I was very much focused on the family needs and financial security – hence the political interest slowed down and I was “selecting” my parties by checking what my benefit would be. At the time the environmental/climate discussion was coming up, I was re-engaging and found a political landscape that was quite grounding – there is no big differentiation between the bigger parties anymore, the liberal parties have no clear program at all, the green parties recognize that there is more than protest to lead a country and on the right side, parties are developing putting the nation first and gathering more and more voters and supporters.
To support a political party or even vote for them is hard to determine for me. For years, I have complained and commented from the sidelines, but I never engaged truly into politics. Interestingly enough, all the people around me are telling me, that getting into politics is hard and complicated and nothing for me.
OK, I get this – but at least I would like to figure out what a great political party would need to look like. What are the characteristics, the relevant components of such a party? Looking up the standard definition with Google, it all comes down to three things: The king, the government, the people.
More seriously, let me share my thoughts regarding the important characteristics of a great political party:

A party, that unites the needs of the nature with the needs of all people – there are no people without nature
A party, that treats all people equal – regardless of wealth, culture, gender or sexuality
A party, that stands for peace – without compromise
A party, that is independent and transparent – always and at any point in time
A party, that communicates with and for the people – with a deep link into the communities
A party, that is represented by leaders who deliver what they promise – irrefutably

The above is a combination of goals and methods, which should form the political ideology of that party.

Now, the above reads like a wish list and when you get back to actual reality, you recognize that this is maybe wishful (or stupid) thinking. Nevertheless, at least I can’t follow any of the actual parties full heartedly. In the past decades none of the parties have delivered against their promises and the shape and status of Germany is constantly on the edge. And for sure not thriving. The extreme parties are getting more and more attention and when you look across Europe and you would unite the right wing parties, you are reminded to the 1930ies.
Let’s have a different look at the six points listed, a look of simplification:
1. We respect our nature
2. We are all equal
3. We live in peace and don’t kill each other
4. We are not corrupt
5. We talk to each other
6. We walk the talk
Honestly, I think it is pretty simple and the majority will read it and simply say “yes, I agree”.
The real question is, how to find the people willing to work on this and act exactly as outlined. No corruption, no talking without walking, no silence, nature first.
People, who will develop a program around these topics and make sure that the programs get communicated, explained, elected and executed. People, who understand, that this is work over decades and will require relentless effort. People, who are willing to commit to this. Leave their comfort zone and make a difference. Get engaged into fighting the status quo and building a new legacy – for a better world for all of us. A world with perspective and initiative into the right direction.
As I am writing this, it is getting clear to me , that I am writing about my own thought process – whether I am one of these people willing to get into this. Whether I am willing to start this – at least for me.