How to write in a blog…

I am writing this blog now for a couple of weeks, maybe 2-3 months. I posted some a fair number of posts across all different kind of topics – politics, sport, health, climate, and so on. And I got some feedback on my writing.
One of the feedbacks made me think. It was something like „if you have money, it is sometimes easy to write things like you do“. That echoed with me.
How do you actually write in such blog? Is it always from a position of society? Or from your own personal position? Or reflecting all different kind of positions and evaluate them separately?
I came to the conclusion, that I want to write down my personal thoughts and opinions. And they are for sure reflecting my personal situation as well. I want to do this in a respectful and reflecting way – means this should not come across arrogant or privileged.
Hope I can stand up to this way!