Violence creates violence

Just another proof in France that violence isn’t the right answer to solve problems. Without a doubt, it is wrong that a young man got shot to death in a police control. And jurisdiction need to go after that with all what they have. Publicly and transparent.
But fighting the protests with more and more police and more and more harsh public statements will not lead to an end of the riots. The secretary of justice made a statement last night that they will take everybody in prison (they can get hold off) and that the parents are responsible for all the wrongdoing of the young protesters. It is not the task of the government to grow up young people. As a consequence last night another record breaking crowd went on the streets and the riots increased another time.
France is just like bombshell…politics that manage down the country for the last decades, a right-wing party that developed from being protesters to a relevant part of the political landscape, a populist young president who believes that he can concentrate on Europe rather than taking his country serious and on top of the ice cream a massive integration problem of migrated people – in the third generation meanwhile. No need to say that the economy is a fraction of what it was 40 years ago.
The riots are a pure act of protest against what is happening in the country. Targeting the people who are responsible for it – politicians. Beating these riots down with more violence isn’t the solution. Make better politics, listen to the problems of the people and start working on solutions. Be honest and transparent and stop lying. In essence – be a normal human being and things will turn to the better. Not by tomorrow but consistently over time.