R4 – Evolve – there is no permanent

Over the years I I had multiple milestones in my life when I needed to cope with changing. Coping means, that you are considering, have to consider or will consider a change given new “things” in your life. This can be all kind of things: You learn something new, you get to know someone new, you lose someone or something, the world around you is changing, and so on.
I would like to share a way that I used many many times in the past. Often not even knowing that I am using it. But in the last years, I had been able to describe it and to kind of document it for me. So, whenever there is something changing in my life, I try to look at it this way. It is called R4 – and it is super simple but it still challenges me to do it consistently and confident in times of change.

Re-mind – yourself what is important: That you are a-life and you are part of something and not alone
Re-think – your personal ownership: It is you, who decides where to go, how far and when – nobody else
Re-new – your control and impact you have: about your life and the bigger world around you
Re-gain – your self awareness and confidence

Following these steps in sequence, allows me to evolve thru the process of change. What I mean by that is, that reminding, rethinking, renewing and regaining are natural steps you take, while experiencing a change in yourself or a change coming from the outside. But you are not jumping to conclusion by fear or insecurity or uncertainty. Often we are overwhelmed by the new surroundings. Sometimes we panic or we do not know where to start. For me, R4, gives me the compass and guidance to cope with changing and foster it into my being. It is not a one time cycle. I repeat R4 many many times before any change happens or I can even something happening. It keeps me on track to cope with change (and you will find out, if to change or not)