BEST cycling area EVER!

Wednesday we arrived in Girona. We liked the city during our last visit and we decided to use it as a hub for my last two weeks of training and to explore some creative photography work (done by my partner and not by me ,obviously).
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, I did 3 routes. 2 down South to the Costa Brava and 1 up to the north to explore the hills up there around Canet d’Adri. Tours had been between 60 and 105 km with altitude of 600 – 1.400m.
Just after these three rides I can tell, that this is the best place I’ve ever been cycling. Roads are good, traffic is easy, wether is fine and the best is that everybody – I mean really everybody – is careful with the bikers. It’s just a joy to go around here and I can only recommend for anybody, who wants to do some road cycling, to try this place out. The city is also great – more about that later.