Ask #1

I am writing this blog now for a couple of weeks and it starts to become a daily habit to articulate my thoughts. The categories I have (advise, environment, explore, travel) are maybe not the right ones, but I will find out.
In the meanwhile I am thinking about, if I can ask my audience to start doing things or actually stop doing things. I decided to start this – so here is my ASK #1:

Stop buying shampoo and shower gel in plastic bottles immediately.

I stopped doing this 5 years ago. In average, I bought a plastic bottle of shampoo and a plastic bottle of shower gel per week (It was called Fructise and I loved it). This made 2 bottles per week. Which made 104 bottles per year. For 5 years that’s 520 bottles. Sounds small…
Each bottle of plastic has an average footprint of 828 grams CO2 emission. Sounds small…
520 multiplied by 828 grams makes 430.560 grams. Sounds a bit bigger…
430.560 grams divided by 1.000 is 430,56 KG of CO2 emission.

A flight km in a Boing 737-400 gives 115gram per passenger. So, I saved 3.648 km for one passenger on a Boing 737-400 over the last 5 years in CO2 emissions. This is 3.5 times a flight Hamburg – Munich.

And I kept washing me…just using environmental friendly packages…

So, just stop it. If you can’t, reduce it. It will add up. Thanks.