Everything AI – just like everything .com

Stable Diffusion 2, Lumen5, Soundraw, Dall-E 2 – you never heard of that? But I am sure you heard about ChatGPT and how this is going to change the world and will make our life so much different. Your tech stock portfolio has also developed, but you actually do not know why?
Well, it is all about AI. The world has decided that it is now time for AI! We have to use AI tools everywhere at every time for everybody.
Interestingly enough, nobody exactly explains why and why now. No education and no background about this. Nevertheless the headlines are about AI all over the place.
For me, it is a journey to get into this. I have to learn and explore what this is and what kind of influence it can and will have. Good thing is, I have the time and the access to explore and understand that. Hence, to make a judgment for myself and decide how to deal with it. Looking around me, there are not many people who have this luxury. They have neither time, nor access nor interest to dig into AI. Consequence will be, that the majority will just blindly follow another tech trend without the ability to make their own decision about the topic. And as AI becomes the new “.com”, means everything will be AI (no matter if true or not), people will have to deal with it.
AI will be capable to make our life better – no question. To be clear – at the moment it is used to make a shit lot of money from a small group of leaders. They label their companies AI – no matter if they are (or not) – and off they take on the stock market (have a look at C3…no substantial progress, but stock is skyrocketing because it claims to be totally AI).
25 years ago the same happened with .com – we all know the results. Just learn from the past, have a deeper look into what is called AI, have a more relaxed look at all the hype, that is spread with AI and most important – try to make your own educated decision how to deal with it. And then you can start to leverage this technology. But do not become the blind follower of a technology you do not understand.

And you heard governments talking about regulating