Update – Violence against women

Posted a couple of days ago – the survey is really going viral. Not only in the press, but also on social media. People are stating that this need to change and is unacceptable – super super good!!!
At the same time, there are articles that question the survey and the way the survey was taken – is it representative/can an online survey be representative. Let’s see what will develop out of this. In these days you just have to be cautious with opinions being published and stated as facts.
Nevertheless, it is great that the theme of equality, non-violence is on the table and widely discussed in the right direction.

AFP and Reuters have done an online survey between 9th and 21st March 2023 asking 1.000 women and 1.000 men with an age between 18 – 35 years in Germany regarding role models and preferences..
In this survey 33% of the men stated that it is acceptable to use violence in a partnership to underline their opinion. A “hand slip” is acceptable. 34% of the men stated that they have already used violence in the past. In addition, 52% of the men see their role as being responsible to bring home the money so that the woman can take care of the house hold.
Finally – not less surprising – 48% of all participants feel disturbed, if homosexual partners show their sexuality in public.
I am sure you read these results somewhere, as the entire press is full quoting the survey.
There is a long way to go, changing this thinking and behavior. Even in 2023 it is brutal reality, that there is an ancient role model embedded in the heads of the young male generation. Violence against women is acceptable? A hand slip is ok to make your opinion clear to woman? Women’s role is taking care of the house hold? WTF…
Education and enlightenment is the way to get this changed and like often, it is a task for the politicians to deeply embed this into our educational system.
My daughter is actually preparing a presentation for her high school exam in history. Theme is about educational ideology during the NS (Nazi) period. The Nazis planted their thinking of role model, violence, race and war into the heads of the youngest generation – unfortunately with success as we know.
The way to change such survey results is by consequently address and focus role models right in kindergarten and school. Violence is not acceptable (btw regardless against whom). Equality and diversity is a human right. And everybody can be who she or he wants to be – wether it is the house hold or making money. No gender question.