Since a couple of weeks I am in contact with a company called right°-based on science. They have developed a Software, that is helping businesses to obtain a degree number, that shows their climate impact – fully CSRD approved. This degree number compares the efforts of the business to the 1.5° target that had been defined for the world as the standard to be achieved.
A Celsius degree number is a super powerful weapon. While we are bombarded with all different type of definitions and new metrics we need to achieve, the majority of the people simply doesn’t understand all the context and the metrics themselves. And if you don’t understand or just understand a little bit, you will not follow thru. And you will not execute to change towards something that you don’t understand.
Everybody understands a degree number. Every little child (and even educated grown ups), everywhere in the world, in every business, in every household – it is embedded into our education and everybody relates the same to it.
In addition everybody has understood that the world has to control its heating. By no means it should heat more than 1.5° until 2100. Pretty simple to understand.
Now, every business which has a degree number higher than 1.5° isn’t contributing to the target. They have to do some serious homework that can be measured year by year.
This is simple, scalable and immediately usable.
Right° is working hard to get introduced to the market and being recognized as a leader in the environmental, sustainable and governance world.
Check them out and spread the news. It is really really simple, on the point and great to see.