Just another proof in France that violence isn’t the right answer to solve problems. Without a doubt, it is wrong that a young man got shot to death in a police control. And jurisdiction need to go after that with all what they have. Publicly and transparent.But fighting the protests…
My poker career ends
After just a couple of months I have to admit that I officially ended my poker career. It was a pleasure to understand the game, the strategies and insights, but I have to say that it doesn’t excite me as much as I thought.It takes too much time of my…
Surprise: Climate change has impact…
The last couple of weeks I saw more and more messages about the impact of climate change above and beyond the temperature of the earth. And the messages came with a notion, that people are surprised that climate change is actually more than just a temperature change. Here are some…
Making politics better
Over the last couple of days I had numerous discussions and inputs about politics with friends. It always started with a chat about a topic we where not happy with – taxes, infrastructure, education, migration, climate change, social system, and so on.So we debated what to do in these different…
Update – Violence against women
Posted a couple of days ago – the survey is really going viral. Not only in the press, but also on social media. People are stating that this need to change and is unacceptable – super super good!!!At the same time, there are articles that question the survey and the…
Update – 5/2 or 4/3…a process to impact for the environment
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the blog attached. Describing how important it is to start changing my nutrition habits and get to less meat overall. And I said I start eating 2 or 3-times meat in a week. And my post was explaining why this makes sense and…
They are really seldom, but a real treasure. When you are looking for them, they don’t show up. They are shy and are normally found by accident and not by purpose.Once they are entering into your life, everything is changingLife becomes more fun and with lots of laughingFriends are always…
Life is short
Embrace your life every single day.If you don’t like things in your life – change them.If you like what you do – do it more often.Be curious. Be open minded. Be balanced.Explore whenever you can and learn from others.Travel whenever you can.Live with all your senses – hear, smell, taste,…
What, if you don‘t like people (no more)?
A question, that strikes me from time to time – without any clear reason.If you recognize, that you don‘t like people or you don‘t like them no more – what do you do? You continue engaging and trying to find a way to like the respective people? Or do you…
Abuse of power as a rock star
First things first: I don‘t like the music of Rammstein nor the appearance nor the attitude. The last couple of days, the accusations towards the band or members of the band were going through the roof. There seem to be a case, that the band was selecting (female) fans during…